Executive Chairman’s Message

Executive Chairman’s Message

Management consultancy is an ever changing business environment thus Global Institute of Management (GIM) made the decision to adapt to change rather than resist it. GIM’s desire has been to provide consultation services that meet the client’s specific needs. This promise has seen an increase in customer satisfaction leading to creation of loyalty amongst our esteemed clientele.

GIM also notices the modern shift in the global energy sector towards renewable energy and has engaged geothermal energy stakeholders in order to accelerate Kenya’s clean energy production. As a company, GIM realizes the critical impact training and capacity building can have on efficiency thus has continued to create programs tailored to individual firms.

GIM strives to create a future of sustainable energy production in Kenya, decreasing reliability on non-renewable energy sources. Through our consultancy services, we aim to empower Kenyan firms with proper expertise and therefore aid them in attracting foreign direct investment.

The need for an increase in locally manufactured goods has never been greater regarding Kenya as an economy. The Local Content Mechanism Policy Project (LCMPP) is an idea that was conceptualised by GIM that aims to ensure perfect competition, job creation and economic growth for Kenya.

The project looks to empower local Manufacturers and Suppliers by introducing a manufacturing percentage cap on the amount of non-Kenyan imports in terms of 5 schedules of products namely Household goods, Bicycles and Motorcycles, Motor vehicles and Spare parts, Light industrial and Agricultural mechanised equipment and lastly Heavy equipment.  GIM seeks to work closely with the Kenyan government in order to bring the project to fruition therefore empowering Kenya as a nation.

“Manufacture in Kenya, Build a nation”

Our Clients

The World Bank

Sosian Energy Limited

Mitsubishi Heavy Industries

Mitsubishi Corporation

Daewoo E & C

African Development Bank

Kenya Electricity Generating Company Limited

Geothermal Development Company

Kenya Airports Authority

Central Bank of Kenya

Government of Kenya

Government of South Sudan

Kenya National Highway Authority

About GIM

We are a dedicated Institute of consultants with considerable experience and knowledge, applying innovative management and socio-economic solutions to practical problems. We are a Management Consultancy, Research, Project Management, Capacity Building Institute based in Karen, Nairobi.

+254 (20) 2470758/9, +254 716 983107
P.O. Box 24741 - 00502 Karen,
Nandi Road, Nairobi, Kenya